Sitemap Footer


  import {SitemapFooter} from 'flowbite-svelte'
  import {
  } from "svelte-simples";
  let site = {
    href: "/",
    name: "Flowbite Svelte",
  let links = [
    parent: "Company",
    children: [
      { name: "About", href: "/" },
        name: "Careers",
        href: "/",
      { name: "Brand Center", href: "/" },
        name: "Blog",
        href: "/",
    parent: "Help center",
    children: [
      { name: "Discord Server", href: "/" },
        name: "Twitter",
        href: "/",
      { name: "Facebook", href: "/" },
        name: "Contact Us",
        href: "/",
    parent: "LEGAL",
    children: [
      { name: "Privacy Policy", href: "/" },
      { name: "Licensing", href: "/" },
        name: "Terms & Conditions",
        href: "/",
    parent: "Download",
    children: [
      { name: "iOS", href: "/" },
      { name: "Android", href: "/" },
        name: "Windows",
        href: "/",
        name: "MacOS",
        href: "/",
  let socialMedia = [
      href: "/",
      icon: Facebook,
      href: "/",
      icon: Github,
      href: "/",
      icon: Twitter,
      href: "/",
      icon: Instagram,

<SitemapFooter {socialMedia} {links} {site} />


The component has the following props, type, and default values. See types page for type information.

Name Type Default
site SiteType
links SocialMediaLinkType[]
socialMedia SocialMediaType[]
footerClass string 'bg-white dark:bg-gray-800'
linksClass string 'grid grid-cols-2 gap-8 py-8 px-6 md:grid-cols-4'
parentClass string 'mb-6 text-sm font-semibold dark:text-gray-400 uppercase'
ulClass string 'text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-300'
liClass string 'mb-4'
linkClass string 'hover:underline'
copyrightDivClass string 'py-6 px-4 text-gray-900 dark:bg-gray-700 md:flex md:items-center md:justify-between'
copyrightClass string 'text-sm text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-300 sm:text-center'
socialMediaDivClass string 'flex mt-4 space-x-6 sm:justify-center md:mt-0'
socialMediaLinkClass string 'text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-300 dark:hover:text-white'
iconClass string 'h-5 w-5 mr-2'
copyrightYear string '© 2022'
allRightsReserved string 'All Rights Reserved.'
